Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stem Cells from Cord Blood

"This video is a trailer for a documentary film called ‘The Precious Cell’, all about the amazing potential of the umbilical cord and the blood inside it, which is full of potent stem cells. In the past the umbilical cord has been quickly discarded after a woman gives birth but now there are many known reasons for holding on to these precious stem cells."

This is only a 5 minute trailer to the longer documentary but as a father of 2 children, this solidified even more that my wife and I made the 2 smartest decisions we ever could have for our kids when we banked umbilical cord blood for each one. Over 50% of transplants now for childhood cancers are using cord blood stem cells and 20% use in adults. One of the first cord blood transplants was done in 1989. That is only 22 years ago. In 22 years we have gone from using the words revolutionary and one-of-a-kind to "being used in over 50% of childhood cancer case." THAT IS EXTRAORDINARY!!! How could one not think twice on storing their baby's cord blood at birth? Cost? Sure that is one if not the biggest deciding factor but certain private cord blood banks now offer banking as low as $19 dollars a month! My kid's futures are PRICELESS and sure are worth $19 dollars a month, how about your children? If you or someone you know is expecting, pass this blog onto them or visit Learn more about how "saving baby's cord blood saves lives"

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