Saturday, December 3, 2011

Umbilical Cord Blood Cells: To Store or Not To Store

"When I was born hospital procedures were a bit different than they are today. Heck, you could smoke in hospitals back then – times sure have changed. One thing that we have now that I wish was available then is the option to bank cord blood. You know how they give you the option to keep the umbilical cord instead of just tossing it like they use to? There are still some people who are unaware of the importance of keeping the umbilical cord for the purpose of stem cell preservation. Even if not for yourself, you could donate to public cord blood banking programs."

Great blog post written by a mom, so many mothers who were not aware of cord blood banking at the time they were pregnant wish they had known about it. Mothers who read this have the advantage of knowing about this service. Don't let this 5 minute window of opportunity that comes once a lifetime pass you by because of lack of education. All the information you need can be found by clicking the link below:

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